So I dictionaried 'infinity' and its definition was not helpful.
the quality or state of being 'infinite.'
Now, the definition of infinite is sweet.
immeasurably great
I went to the River yesterday with a few people and man, it was amazing. I had to chance to look at "infinity." Space is ceaselessly expanding and we're simply and aimlessly floating in it. We're a speck of dust in a huge beach. Man, it's so cool. The average lifespan of a male is 71 years or so. Females, your lifespans are at a whopping 73.5 years... props. Now, before any arguments start about creationism and stuff, I'll say this: the Earth is older than we are. Much, much, much, much older. Somehow in all of the hustle and bustle of space matter greeting each other, the Earth was born and God made us. IT'S AMAZING. I geek, I geek.
When I follow that train, this one thought always whacks me:
I'm so small.
I didn't say short; I know I'm short. HAHA. Every now and then, I forget how small I am. I slowly clothe myself with lies thinking I'm self-sufficient. I make myself bigger than what I actually am. When I think about it, I have no right at all. In my pun-iness, God still loves me. I've committed countless sins knowingly and unknowingly. This guy named Sek described it perfectly in his blog.
when you are alone with your own unhealthy thoughts for a while, you might come to terms with the piece of poop that you are. you’re lazy, you’re impatient, you’re selfish, you’re intentions are impure, someone’s better than you at that, why try, what’s the point, etc. too much of this leads you into depression no doubt, but the reality is no one is good enough. no one is sinless. no one has it all together, no matter how much it looks like it from the outside
It keeps me grounded. When I look towards myself, I see sin. In view of eternity, I get my poop in a group. I've noticed when our gazes are on earthly things, we get caught up in the silly things. We get offended so easily. The drama, what's happening, etc. Haven't ya noticed? For example, should I care that much about my roommate taking my milk? Is it worth getting bothered over something so insignificant? Heck yeah No. It's not worth it. God made us to be more than what the world says. Neat, right? We have an eternity with God and in comparison, our time on Earth isn't that long.
Soon and very soon. I can't wait for what it's going to be like.